Dominoes in times of corona
“With the Dominican, nobody can,” were the first words I heard from someone in the Dominican Republic when that person was asked about the coronavirus pandemic. It’s curious to see how — even in the middle of a global catastrophe — Dominicans keep the same ideas and beliefs.
In one part, positive, but in another, extremely negative. See more
A Diaspora That is Far Away
For those of you who are far from the Dominican Republic, what happens in the nation, — after the suspension of municipal elections on Feb. 16 — may seem somewhat distant. That it does not relate to you.
Since then, I’ve been wondering why someone from the diaspora should care about what happens here.
I have not come up with an answer. See more

In the Dominican Republic, A Search for Democracy
It is challenging to write about how the Dominicans feel after the suspension of the municipal elections on Feb. 16. Extremely difficult to try to maintain my objectivity as a journalist and not let my feelings and ideas influence this article, ever since — for the first time in the democratic history of the Dominican Republic — the elections were canceled. See more
The day that Haitians weren’t allowed
“Good morning neighbors, Colonel Pina wrote me, be aware with the entrance of Haitians into our neighborhood, because they have information that today there’s going to be an exodus to our country, so we would take measures, whoever has Haitians working inside the neighborhood, has to pick them up at the entrance, because we won’t let any enter, only if there’s a reason, thanks for your collaboration.” See more